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Board of Directors Elections

*Thank you for your interest in being part of the Dallas ACFE Board of Directors!

Want to know more about what each Director is responsible for? Take a look at the Position Descriptions below.

2024 Positions: President, Secretary, Director (x3)

To apply, send an email of interest to info@dallasacfe.org

2024 Election Timeline

Candidate Application Period: April 15 - April 30

Voting Period: May 3 - 15

Elections Results Announced: May 21

Incoming Board Assumes Office: June 1

Outgoing Board Leaves Office: June 30

Position Descriptions (per bylaws)

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter, and when present, shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter. He or she shall exercise general supervision and management of the affairs of the Chapter; shall consult with and inform other officers and directors, members, and the Corporation of significant events; and shall perform other duties prescribed by the Board of Directors as well as all duties incident to the office of President and Chief Executive Officer. Eligible candidates must:
  • Be a Certified Fraud Examiner in good standing with the national ACFE;
  • Be an active and involved member in good standing with the Chapter; and
  • Have served on the Board of Directors, or as an Officer, within the previous ten (10) years.

The Vice-President shall report to the President and shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence. When the Vice-President acts in place of the President, the Vice-President shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice-President shall be responsible for other duties that President or the Board of Directors shall delegate from time to time. The Vice-President shall be a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in good standing. The Board may vote to allow associate members to hold the office of Vice-President.

  • Eligible candidates must be a current chapter member or associate member in good standing.
  • Candidates must be a current member of the national Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in good standing.
The Secretary shall report to the President and shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors; see that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as may be required by law; be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the Chapter and see that the seal of the Chapter is affixed to all documents as authorized; maintain the membership records of the Chapter, and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.
  • Eligible candidates must be a current chapter member or associate member in good standing.
  • Candidates must be a current member of the national Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in good standing.

The Treasurer shall report to the President and shall be responsible for all financial records maintained by the Chapter. All moneys received by the Chapter as well as disbursements therefrom, shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer. He or she will ensure that any funds received are properly deposited for safekeeping to the credit of the Chapter; that all disbursements are properly approved; that the Board is kept advised of the status of the accounting of funds; and otherwise perform appropriate duties to see that the assets of the Chapter are properly safeguarded. The Treasurer shall produce annual financial statements of the Chapter and submit them to the Board and the Corporation within three months of the end of the Chapter’s fiscal year, and in general shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in good standing.

  • Eligible candidates must be a current chapter member or associate member in good standing.
  • Candidates must be a current member of the national Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in good standing.

The Board shall perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law, the Articles of Incorporation, the Chapter Handbook, or the Bylaws. The Board shall supervise all officers, agents, and members of the Chapter to assure that their duties for the Chapter are performed properly. The Board shall make available all records of the Chapter to any member, to the Corporation, or to the Association upon reasonable request.

  • Eligible candidates must be a current chapter member or associate member in good standing.

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